These objects is are for quickly and easily adding furnishings for scale and entourage. They have parameters for Length, Width, Height and primary material in addition to the options below: |
![[curtain axon]](12540CABprev.gif) |
12540CAB Curtain Straight 1 options: Curtain length, Curl repeat factor, Droop at top, Rod type & material, Valance height & material, 2D curtain line type, 3D pen |
![[curtain axon]](12540CBBprev.gif) |
12540CBB Curtain Tied 1 options: Curtain length, Curl repeat factor, Tie height, length & material, Droop at top, Rod type & material, Valance height & material, 2D curtain line type, 3D pen |
![[curtain axon]](12540CCBprev.gif) |
12540CCB Curtain Swag 1 options: Height & droop at top, Number of curls, Rod type & material, Ends angle & twist, 3D pen |
![[pillow axon]](12660PABprev.gif) |
12660PAB Pillow 2 options: A & B axis rotation, A & B sides arc depth, 2D symbol: basic or 3D projection, 3D pen |